Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Assignment 2

Where a Rule Just Being Displays

Speaking of rules, actually what is that rule? Regulation is a provision that has been made and approved and that must be adhered to for the common good. But now the rules have changed function, no longer to be obeyed, but like most people have been saying in Indonesian that, "peraturan dibuat untuk dilanggar". How ironic!

For example, yes, on our beloved campus lot of rules or provisions that must be obeyed by all students of the campus, such as regulations in accessing the Internet at any hotspot. In the park clearly displayed two boards which contain the areas that should be occupied by students. Boy’s hotspot areas on the right, while the girl’s hotspot on the left. In fact, both boards were only as an ornamental garden alone. Because many students who are the boy in the area's girls, and vice versa.

In addition, there are also rules about how to dress while on campus or while attending lectures for the students. The students are encouraged to wear loose clothing and polite, must also be shod. Besides that, it is not yet or not as expected. There are many students did not heed these rules. They seemed to close your eyes and ears, as if he did not want to know what is written clearly in the rule book and also what is often a lecturer warned. They are still safe and comfortable wearing dress like a model.

Actually, what a burden does run the existing regulations? Though it only told to dress nice and polite. Because, with polite and well dressed, this is a reflection of the people educated not sloppy. Moreover, we are studying at the university that promote and teach the Islamic materials. But, why do not reflect our attitude as a people of Islam? We should have it shame, shame as the people of Islam and educated, but dressed like when we want to go picnic.

Because you remember, it is like the Javanese proverb says, "Ajning diri saka lati, Ajining raga saka busana", which means, we will be rewarded others if we can respect ourselves by way of spoken and well behaved, well dressed and polite. So, from now on let us all improve our behavior ranging from how to dress. Starting from how to dress, it will be good also our behavior, God willing. And also, it would be unsightly if all laws be obeyed.

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